Revista CATHEDRA 10


How to Cite
Palacios Gómez, M. D. C. (2019). Factors that affect behavior Crime in adolescents. Cathedra Journal, (10), 79–89.
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In Panama, we have jurisdiction, within the criminal branch, special for minors, whose objective is the management of those who, as adolescents, violate the criminal law. Knowing what are the factors that interact and lead the adolescent to commit crimes, are fundamental pillars, for those who do not reach the age of majority commit a crime (12 to 17 years), are prosecuted under the Law 40 of August 26, 1999. Adolescents are an age group, who are in one of the most difficult stages of their lives or as many experts would call the stage of "sturn and drang" storm and difficulties (L, Joseph Stone and Josep Chruch 1959), giving steps between knowing and forming your ideal self, dealing with the figurative death of a child body as psychology calls it and having to face a criminal process for having committed a crime.



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