Revista CATHEDRA 10


How to Cite
Gonzalez Ariza, H. (2019). The role of the penitentiary technical board, in the application of penal replacement by the judge of compliance in the accusatory penal system. Cathedra Journal, (10), 11–28.
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With the entry into force of Law No. 63 of August 28, 2008, on September 2, 2011, the implementation of the Accusatory Penal System began in the interior of the Republic of Panama, and it is not until September 2, 2016, that such regulations are applied throughout the national territory. This regulation introduces a new jurisdictional figure, which is the judge responsible for the sentence execution phase, whose mission is to resolve all requests that are presented at this stage through a hearing with the presence of a representative of the Public Prosecutor's Office and a defender.

The implementation of the Accusatory Criminal System in the provinces of Panama and Colón results in greater intervention by the Compliance Judge, since these provinces are home to the country's main criminal centres. Since its implementation, however, the main studies have focused on the judges themselves and their scope; however, the figure of the Penitentiary Technical Board has been left aside, as it plays a preponderant role in the application of measures such as community service, community service, probation, or commutation of sentences to a prisoner, which is why we consider it appropriate to conduct this legal study.



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