Revista CATHEDRA 9


How to Cite
Diaz, A. (2019). The inclusion of the figure of the mobbing, harassment or psychological harassment in the panamanian labor legislation. Cathedra Journal, (9), 58–70.
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It is positive to bet on the strengthening of our legal regulations on labor matters, based on the premise that humankind is the basis of modernity and that as a responsible society we must identify the legal gaps that exist in our legislation, many of the which could be the product of the diverse effects that spring from the new concepts and definitions that show the cultural and social variables that we live with on a daily basis.

The primordial intention of this strengthening must always be the awareness of society, since many times its temporary way of acting and living demonstrates negative attitudes that may threaten human dignity and the fundamental rights of the human being, and which in a moment can become cruel behaviors that lead to harassment or harassment. However, whenever these attitudes exist, there will be people and organizations that, as a defense mechanism, will watch over the creation of a set of legal technical means that can put limits to the apparent normal evolution of any phenomenon that threatens those rights.



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