Revista CATHEDRA 8


How to Cite
Jaen Jaen, E. K. (2018). The principle of transparency and public procurement in Panama. Cathedra Journal, (8).
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Transparency is one of the principles, which have been established universally, for four decades now, as necessary for the ordinary development of democracy. Therefore, modern societies, based on the rule of law, do not think, if the right relationship is omitted, between the governed and the rulers.

The idyll of governing a country, under the protection of a shadowy official power, without limitations, which exercises its administrative actions arbitrarily, for the benefit of select groups of people, copartners, partners, relatives and close friends, finds a shortcut path, when society, Through their democratic institutions, they are creating clear lines of public management, for the development of good practices in their administration.

This principle is no more than a set of rules, to which the social organization freely decides to protect, submit and enforce.

It is thus, then, that each of the actions of the state, in relation to the needs of the administered, ranging from the fulfillment of the aims and objectives raised by the current governments or state policies, to the relationships in which rights and interests of the associates, are at stake, are not reduced to a series of documentary collections, but to the breadth of knowledge of all stakeholders, and those who are not, fed by the desire that the public, is properly managed, managed or managed. This is one of the principles of contemporary administrative law, whose function is to provide peace to society. The latter is achieved only in a state that manages to raise respect for the human rights of people, above the underlying interests of power and its vices.



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• Constitución Política de la República de Panamá.

• Código Administrativo de la República de Panamá.

• Ley 22 de 27 de junio de 2006, que regula las contrataciones públicas. Asamblea Nacional. Gaceta Oficial 26829 de 15 de julio de 2011.

• Ley 6 de 22 de enero de 2002, que dicta normas para la transparencia en la gestión publica establece la accion de habeas data y dicta otras disposiciones. Asamblea Nacional. Gaceta Oficial 24476 de 23 de enero de 2002.

• Ley 61 de 27 de septiembre de 2007. Que modifica el texto único de la ley 22 de 27 de junio de 2006, que regula la contratación pública. Asamblea Nacional. Gaceta Oficial 28557. De 27 de septiembre de 2007.

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