

How to Cite
Barria moscoso, L. A. (2024). Basic conceptual proposal and legal content of the new mineral resources code of Panama. Cathedra Journal, (22), 11–40. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n22.1515
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The Mineral Resources Code of Panama is an outdated legal instrument from 1963; it was created in accordance with the repealed Constitution of 1946, which currently makes it a completely unconstitutional and illegitimate norm, both because it violates the current Constitution of 1972 and because it was approved by the questioned figure of Decree-Laws; that is, it does not arise from the Legislative Branch, it arises from the Executive Branch, without three debates or public citizen participation. At the time it was adopted, there were no clearly defined criteria for environmental protection in the world, nor the principles and norms of Environmental Law arising from the summits of 1972, 1982, 1992, 2002 and 2012, which also established very clear parameters on Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. At the time of submitting this research to the competition, winning it and starting it in 2022, the Mining issue in Panama was strongly questioned from a social, ethical, environmental and even national economic point of view since there were no clear references to the real benefits it left in the country, versus the terrible environmental damage it caused to nature (Nature that is already recognized in Panama by Law 287 of 2022, as a Subject of Law); Our work focused on investigating whether there was any legal alternative to achieve a middle ground between naturally irreconcilable positions (Extractivists and conservationists). As the research progressed, the socio-political crisis experienced throughout Panama in 2023, caused by a Mining Contract-Law that was approved in record time and in record time also declared unconstitutional (less than a month between both events), contributed tremendously to enriching the content of this work and strengthening the analysis, results, final considerations and proposals expressed here.



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