

How to Cite
Tuñón Pérez, M. J. (2024). Technology and justice: Impact of vehicle route analysis in criminal investigation in Panama. Cathedra Journal, 1(21), 32–44. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n21.1404
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This research project focuses on the study entitled "Technology and Justice: Impact of Vehicle Route Analysis in Criminal Investigation in Panama." This investigation aims to understand the application of vehicle route analysis as forensic evidence in the investigation of homicides, kidnappings, and robberies in Panama. In the context of the increasing complexity of serious crimes, the use of advanced technologies such as GPS in vehicles or trackers, surveillance cameras, and traffic analysis software has become a crucial tool for Panamanian authorities. The article examines specific characteristics or aspects considered in vehicle route analysis and its significant role in solving crimes, highlighting the methodology used and its impacts on the judicial system. Additionally, it analyzes the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing these techniques in the Panamanian forensic field, providing a critical view and recommendations to optimize their future use.



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