

How to Cite
Peñalba Ríos, L. G. (2023). The compliance judge as guarantee of respect for the human rights of the private of liberty in the criminal process. Cathedra Journal, (20), 37–51. https://doi.org/10.37594/cathedra.n20.1182
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The Compliance Judge plays a vitally important role in the Criminal Justice System, since he is responsible for safeguarding and guaranteeing the human rights of people deprived of liberty. Its main function is to supervise the proper compliance of the sentences imposed on those convicted and to see that all their fundamental rights are respected while they are detained. In an environment where deprivation of liberty can be a restrictive and potentially invasive form of individual rights, it is of utmost importance to have an impartial and responsible authority that ensures that conditions of imprisonment do not compromise the fundamental principles of dignity, equality and justice. It plays a role of surveillance and control that seeks to prevent abuse, mistreatment and cruel and inhuman treatment in the prison context. Likewise, this judge becomes a guarantor of the resocialization and social reintegration of prisoners, promoting programs and measures that contribute to successful reintegration into society once their sentence has been completed. This implies a rehabilitative approach that seeks not only to punish the offender, but also to offer opportunities for the correction of behavior and preparation for a more responsible and productive life in freedom. This includes the prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, access to adequate medical care, communication with the outside world and access to justice. However, this work is not without challenges, such as prison overcrowding, lack of resources, corruption, and the influence of criminal groups within prisons. Through this article it is recognized that the Compliance Judge is an independent and brave figure, willing to face obstacles to protect the human rights of those who find themselves in a situation of vulnerability and imprisonment.



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