How to Cite
Mojica, I., Espinosa, . J., Camarena, O., González, L., Martínez, C., Mendoza, . J., Morales, R., Ramos, B., Sánchez, D., Sánchez, P., Vásquez, J., Zambrano, Y., Zamora, K., & Miranda, B. (2020). Consequences of the phantom vibration syndrome in the students of the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology "UMECIT" in Santiago, Veraguas. Revista Semilla Científica, (1), 165–183. Retrieved from
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This article, presents the influence of the phantom vibration syndrome in students, they have the dependence they have on technology (smartphone). The results obtained through an analysis of data, extracted from a survey applied to 20 students, indicate that the majority of students make sense that the cell phone is vibrating, but they have no notification, the social network they use the most is whatsapp. the frequency of taking photographs, if they care about the opinion of users on social networks among others. It is considered worrying when the person suffers from states of anxiety, depression, anger.



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