How to Cite
García, R., Guerrero, G., Montenegro, R., & Bernal de Díaz, S. . I. (2020). Emotional impact and self-regulation of virtual learning on students as a school learning method. Revista Semilla Científica, (1), 99–164. Retrieved from
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The increase in complaints pertaining to male victims of violence by their partners is a novel fact in the phenomenon of domestic violence; however, there is not much research in this regard. Within the research, axes related to the topic “Men, conjugal violence and the social perceptions that exist in the Panama West region” are established, which are: patriarchal society, violence against men and gender stereotypes. This research sought to analyze the social perceptions that are generated around the violence that is exerted against men by their partner, present in the officials who deal with this type of violence in the different institutions or organizations in the Panama West area. Among the participants to be interviewed in this study are public officials, such as a prosecutor and a psychologist from the public ministry, as well as an agent of the national police and a social worker from the same. With this research we seek to highlight the fact that men are just as vulnerable in a situation of physical and psychological aggression, because intra-family violence not only refers to abuse or violence against women, but also towards men because of part of his heterosexual partner.



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