How to Cite
Díaz, A., Gómez, J., Iglesia, C., Jara, G., Gutiérrez, I., González, J., Valdés, N., Pérez, P., Ramírez, R., Quintero, Y., Guevara, P., Escorcia , J., & Gonzales, V. (2020). Managing psychosocial balance in a world under pressure. Revista Semilla Científica, (1), 79–98. Retrieved from
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An investigative work on psycho-social balance was carried out, taking as its basis the pressure that the world exerts on individuals, in order to identify the psycho-emotional discomforts that occur in the family, in the study of interpersonal relationships, work, education, and social life. Accurate results were obtained in the identification of the causes and consequences, taking as an example the “Covid-19” health crisis that carries pressure on an individual; With this, it was possible to discover the susceptibility that the human being has to external or social situations, of which his control lies in the constant management of both the psyche and the emotional area, taking into account social skills, self-esteem and self-cultivation of values that will help maintain that expected psycho-emotional balance in the face of any social pressure the world exerts.



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