

How to Cite
Sanchez, Y., Pitti, L., Ortiz, M., Yee, D., Castaño, D., Pérez, J., Taylor, C., Rozo, Y., Cruz, M., Cedeño, C., Olivella, O., Alvarado, L., Batista, Y., Castillo, S., & Nieto, L. (2024). Advertising photography, how to capture the viewer’s attention. Revista Semilla Científica, (5), 268–276. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i5.1386
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Share the results of the invitation with the scientific community, to contribute to the advancement of knowledge about advertising photography and how it captures the attention of viewers. A collection of information on the Internet and through books was used. understand who you are addressing. Know the interests, wants and needs of your target audience to adapt your approach and message effectively. Identify the core message you want to convey with your photography. Make sure it’s clear and concise so viewers pick it up right away. Thanks to these important points, care and a lot of research must be taken to know the interests, desires, and needs of the target audience, in order to understand and know how to use photography. Advertising Photography its main objective is to capture the viewer’s attention and persuade them to take an action, such as buying a product or contracting a service. Advertising photography uses creative techniques and visual elements to highlight the advantages and attractions of the product or service, awakening desire and need in consumers. To achieve this, various resources are used such as creativity, originality, the connotative message, the use of psychology and the creation of attractive and memorable images. In addition, advertising photography is used in different media, such as billboards, magazines, internet advertisements and television campaigns. Its importance lies in its ability to communicate effectively and persuasively, generating an impact on the target audience and contributing to the success of marketing and advertising strategies.



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