The migratory economy has taken a significant turn in terms of the transit of migrants and their influence on the country. The objective of this study is to discuss the migratory economy faced by citizens in the journey through the Darien jungle. For this purpose, the research is established with a qualitative approach with an exploratory research design, since it sought to address new knowledge related to the alleged lucrative business that may be occurring under the migratory practices in Central America. The research also allowed to know the perspective of a part of the population regarding the economy that is managed by crossing the thick jungle of the Darien, through the collection of data, through a survey as a technique for the collection of information, which covered 30 people with formed criteria. The results determined that the effects of the migratory economy have repercussions for the country, since in spite of the efforts made by migrants to cross the jungle, the abuse they face and the high costs they are charged to get the necessary help is not enough. For this reason, Panama generates aid to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants. All this could improve as long as the state authorities have the will to do it together with the countries involved for the good of the migrants and the nationals.
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