

How to Cite
Martínez, Y., Cerezo, J., & Quirós, A. (2024). How does Cybercrime affect Companies and Banking Institutions in Panama?. Revista Semilla Científica, (5), 196–210. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i5.1380
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Cybercrime, a type of crime that is committed in the digital sphere, through electronic means, such as the Internet on web pages. It consists of illegal activities carried out with the objective of obtaining confidential information, causing damage and committing fraud; and the impact it has worldwide is significant. Therefore, this research analyzed the negative impact that cybercrime has on companies, people and institutions at a general level. We also investigated why this happens, and how our country “Panama” has been affected by this crime. More was learned about the types of cybercrimes that affect banking institutions and companies in Panama, and the measures that have been implemented to prevent this type of crimes. To carry out this research, several elements were used: The “materials and method” method was used, where we consulted books and scientific articles, as well as web pages. The most relevant findings were that the consequences that cybercrime has on companies are disastrous; There are direct economic losses due to the theft of financial data, as its restoration and recovery of systems may require significant investment. Imagine “Global cybercrime costs $114 billion annually.” So, we can see the importance of Panama implementing security measures, making changes to the Penal Code and adopting advanced cybersecurity practices so that it can confront the sophistication of cybercriminals.



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