

How to Cite
Weliler, C., Santana, B., Carrera, J., Chen, C., Rodríguez, C., & Añez, A. (2024). Management of support programs to improve women’s soccer in Panama. Revista Semilla Científica, (5), 115–124. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i5.1374
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The management of support programs to improve Panamanian women’s soccer involves a series of coordinated and strategic actions to promote the comprehensive development of players, improve sports infrastructure and increase the visibility and competitiveness of women’s soccer in Panama. Methods are used (qualitative). Lack of investment and financial support In many cases, women’s football does not receive the same level of funding and sponsorship as men’s football. Gender Stereotypes There are still deep-rooted perceptions about football as a predominantly male sport. In conclusion, the research work highlights the important need for Support and improve women’s soccer in Panama The study highlights the critical situation of women’s soccer in Panama, marked by the lack of support both at the level of infrastructure and recognition.



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