In Panama, different situations of violence are experienced, including one in particular that manifests itself with physical evidence and as a more topical consequence, death; In general, the clues that serve to clarify the most basic question, What Happened?; That is why this condition is aimed at proving the commission of a crime, as long as the scene is preserved. For this, it is required to prove both its legality and its authenticity, to prove a crime, it consists of the delivery of the probative material, copies of the investigation records, as well as the access that must be provided to the defense regarding material evidence collected during the investigation. In this investigation, the simulation of a punishable act was addressed, focusing on a profile of intentional homicide, which shows the inconsistency that can be projected within the same act, but demonstrating the existing shortcomings of our Chain of Custody Manual, the same ones that suffer contamination due to the fact that the persistence over time of the original characteristics of the evidence regarding the context, structure and content, which must be expressed by the expert documents, is not achieved, directly affecting the principle of the legality of the evidence , which is what the defense seeks, that the State respects the rights and fundamental guarantees in judicial processes, the work has a quantitative approach and a descriptive transectional pre-experimental design was implemented.
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