

How to Cite
Ducreux C., J. de D., González Á., C. E., Meneses G., S. A., Monterrey C., N. A., Pimentel C., D., Ríos P., C. del C., Rodríguez Á., D. M., Rodríguez B., P., & Rodríguez Aparicio, C. L. (2023). The social impact of degenerative diseases in older adults: Analysis from a social worker’s perspective. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 629–633. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1304
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From the perspective of the social worker, the social impact on the incidence of degenerative diseases in older adults in recent years 2020-2022 is notable. What can be projected is an increase in demand for health care and long-term care services. The aging of the Panamanian population and the prevalence of these conditions bring with them high budgets to cover these health requirements as well as specialized services. Additionally, these diseases can generate significant economic costs for older adults and their families. Expenses on medications, medical treatments and specialized care can be overwhelming, causing additional financial pressure on the families of older adults as in many cases this can lead to financial difficulties and strains on family relationships.



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e. r. (12 de 5 de 2023). enfermedades cronicas mas comunes en personas mayores. Obtenido de https//:www.elrincondelcuidador.es/otros-cuidados/principales-enfermedades-degenerativas-en-ancianos

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