

How to Cite
Velásquez, B., Parra, C., Ramos, L., De Hoyos, A., Acosta, A., & Rojas, N. (2023). An analysis of platforms as a learning medium: student use and perceptions. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 608–622. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1302
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To analyze the impact of educational platforms as a means of learning in contemporary educational environments, this research was immersed in the transformation of education as it has been influenced by technological advances in recent years. Addressing the line of Technology and Education, it explored how technology has redefined the dynamics of learning and its influence on student achievement. The methodology employed for this study was based on a quantitative approach, using a semi-structured survey as a tool, addressing the main theme and general objective of this research. The results revealed that, even though many respondents were not enrolled in formal courses, an impressive 87% successfully used educational tools. Prominent platforms such as Duolingo, Google Classroom and MS Teams demonstrated the diversity of options available.



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