

How to Cite
Velásquez, B., Parra, C., Ramos, L., De Hoyos, A., Acosta, A., & Rojas, N. (2023). Exploring the treasures of recreational play and its benefits during early stage development. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 590–607. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1301
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The concept of recreation has been considered for a long time by many people as a simple act of entertainment and leisure without considering the great benefits it brings to the child’s development, like those obtained during long and structured academic sessions. This research establishes the concept of recreation, from the pedagogical point of view in the early years, the right of children to participate in recreational and leisure activities, its importance and the effect of recreational play on the development of the child’s brain during the first years of life. A survey was also conducted among preschool educators to determine if recreational play is applied correctly in our country’s classrooms. Through this research, we sought to highlight the importance of establishing a period within the school program that allows children to recreate freely and obtain the benefits proposed here.



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