

How to Cite
Cano, L., González, D., González, G., González, M., Mendoza, A., Montenegro, A., Pimentel, K., Rodriguez, M., Valdéz, N., & Botello, K. (2023). General aspects of dengue prevalence in Panama. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 449–457. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1289
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The objective of this article is to analyze the general aspects of Dengue in Panama. Dengue is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. It is a disease that affects people of all ages with symptoms that vary between fever accompanied by headache, among others. Methodology: The type of study is descriptive with a non-experimental design; with a mixed approach. The population includes the provinces of Panama, and the sample is the District of Chitré; with a type of non-probabilistic sampling; intentional. The subject is the data, percentage will be used. Using Excel. Conclusions: according to the general analysis of dengue, it is concluded that the disease can progress to severe forms, the main vector of dengue transmission is the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Recommendations: Starting from this disease, we intend to propose a series of recommendations where the need for this disease can be improved a little, such as: cleaning the patio, eliminating stagnant water, covering the water tanks.



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