We presented 10 physical evaluation tests for the flag sport (speed, endurance) where we took into account their frequency, glucose, oximeter, pressure of the players before and after the tests to compare the physical performance of each player. The flag is a branch or a variant of American soccer was popularized in the 40’s in military bases in the United States. The creators were American soldiers to avoid the risk of injury while playing American soccer. So, they substituted a tackle for the action of stealing a flag which made it exciting and safe for the military. This article aims to evaluate the physical evaluation of the players and to represent them in graphical schemes.
Maestra de Educación Física y Licenciada en Psicopedagogía ,Facultad de formación del Profesorado, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,Colegio concertado Mª Auxiliadora. Las Palmas deGranCanaria https://efdeportes.com/efd161/una-variante-del-futbol-am
Deporte en salud gobierno de canarias: https://www3.gobiernodecanarias.org/med
Travel y Enoiv your training https://sportvillage.cambrilspark.com/blog/que-es-y-como-se-juega-
Crescimento do Flag Football 5x5 no Brasil : análise de cobertura da mídia entre 2011 e 2020 https://bdm.unb.br/handle/10483/28862
Tests de inestabilidad segmentaria lumbar - blog dels estudis de ciències de la salut. (2014, May 7). blogsumanresa.cat.RetrievedAugust20,2022,from https://blocs.umanresa.cat/ciencies-de-la-salut/2014/05/07/tests-de-inestabilidad-segmentaria-lumbar/