Body schema disorders are psychological conditions that affect a person’s perception of their own body. These disorders can have a significant impact on the daily life and mental health of those who experience them. Understanding these disorders is essential to addressing them effectively and providing the necessary support. Objectives: The main goal of this summary is to shed light on body schema disorders, highlighting their main features, causes, possible treatment approaches, and description of apractognostic disorders through this understanding, we seek to promote awareness and education about these disorders, as well as foster empathy towards those who suffer from them. Materials and Methods: An exhaustive bibliographic review was carried out using academic and scientific databases, as well as books and articles related to body schema disorders. Relevant studies addressing key aspects of the disorders, including their definitions, were selected. Conclusions: Body schema disorders represent significant challenges in both adults and children, with the potential to affect mental health, quality of life, and general well-being. It is a cognitive construct that develops throughout childhood and adolescence. It is based on the integration of sensory information, such as visual, tactile and kinesthetic perception (sense of movement), as well as the motor and emotional experiences we have with our body.
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