As the years go by, our bone tissue weakens, but it should not do so at an abnormal fast pace that incapacitates our desirable quality of life. Loss of bone density has become so common that it affects more and more people of different ages, race or sex, that it produces multiple discomforts in the development of daily life, generates disability and sometimes intense pain and as this pathology progresses the risk of a fracture occurring. It is there, the great importance of the fundamental knowledge of osteoporosis that helps us understand and analyze the causes, signs, symptoms, that is, their etiology. Exercise has been shown to be effective in reducing the increase in the disease since it helps to strengthen and for this reason prevents minor fractures, which are the result most of the time. The indication to maintain constant physical activity, appropriate to the possibilities of each osteoporotic patient must be part of their treatment. Another crucial aspect is preventive, since physiotherapy plays an unquestionable role in preventing the onset of osteoporosis where this profession must act, promoting, guiding and avoiding a greater impact on the functionality of people with osteoporosis.
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