

How to Cite
Heuie, B., Pérez, I., Pimentel, K., & Callender, E. (2023). Manual and mechanical traction in the treatment of cervical pain. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 285–295. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1275
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The study was designed to investigate the efficacy of manual neck traction versus mechanical traction in patients with neck pain presenting to a rehabilitation center. Background information was requested from a variety of sources; In addition, it can be observed that the pain factor is the patient’s work posture as well as the level of stress that the patient has in her personal life. Traction can be applied in two ways: a mechanical application using force in order to lengthen the cervical spine, which will cause pain relief; while the manual application takes over the force applied by the physiotherapist to relieve and improve mobility in the area. The purpose of this comparison is to determine which method is most effective in reducing neck pain symptoms so that the patient can perform activities without complications.



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