

How to Cite
Aller, D., Ariza, L., De Gracia, A., Domínguez, K., Domínguez, Y., García, I., Kennedy, K., Macias, Y., Osorio, M., Pérez, I., Pinzón, G., Rios, M., & Rios, R. (2023). Evaluation of special upper limb tests in Parusia soccer players. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 277–284. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1274
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The present investigation was carried out as part of the academic activities in the subject Exercise evaluation technique of the Metropolitan University of Education, Sciences and Technologies of the founding headquarters, Panama. The main objective of this research is to analyze and evaluate the upper limbs of soccer players from the PARUSIA academy. To carry out this analysis, 15 players will be lost to analyze their upper limbs; The functional tests of the upper limbs were produced, the shoulder and hip were evaluated and the following tests were performed: Spurling, Depression test, Adson test, Yerganson test, Arm drop test, Speed test, Patte test, Test laser test, thumbs up test, and kerning test. The tests or tests were carried out for the evaluation of the articulation of the upper limbs and thus we were able to determine if the player has an injury or fracture.This investigation was carried out in order to carry out a physiotherapeutic evaluation, thus making possible subsequent treatment much more effective. Where the physiotherapist sets clear, specific and achievable objectives in order to obtain a good evaluation.



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