In this study, we will focus on analyzing the “Perceptions of the Emotional and Psychosocial Impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Panama.” Daily, the increase in positive cases and deaths from COVID-19 was experienced globally, and Panama was no exception to this harsh reality. This phenomenon had a significant and radical impact on the population, affecting their emotional and psychological well-being. The main purpose of this article is to provide a detailed understanding of the predominant emotional and psychosocial disorders that affected the general population in Panama. It is essential to highlight that this analysis is based on a careful selection of documented studies and research that support the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, which has triggered various diseases and disorders in the Panamanian context. In this regard, it was observed that the psychological health of the Panamanian population was affected by various elements related to the current COVID-19 pandemic, such as the social distancing measures implemented since March 2020 in Panama. It is crucial to note that identifying the main emotional and psychosocial disorders that harmed the country during the pandemic not only holds retrospective significance but also provides a solid foundation for being prepared and effectively addressing future challenges related to symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, depression, post-traumatic stress, among others, in the context of pandemic diseases in Panama.
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Niños, niñas y adolescentes han sufrido un importante deterioro en su salud mental a la raíz de la pandemia, evidencian diversos estudios realizados por UNICEF. (s. f.). https://www.unicef.org/panama/comunicados-prensa/ni%C3%B1os-ni%C3%B1as-y-adolescentes-han-sufrido-un-importante-deterioro-en-su-salud