Panama has made some progress in increasing female labor participation, but significant challenges remain. Women face greater exposure to informal work and hold fewer high-ranking positions, despite laws and regulations aimed at reducing gender inequality. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant decrease in the supply of women in the labor market. Discrimination in the workplace can be direct or indirect and can affect individuals or groups in vulnerable situations. It is worth noting that The National Institute for Women and the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development are among the organizations working to promote gender equality in the workplace. However, gender inequality remains a challenge in Panama’s labor market, where women are better prepared academically than men but do not receive equal pay. The study used a descriptive documentary approach to analyze various articles, UNICEF talks about ‘Gender Equality’ where it highlights the importance of breaking the cycle of discrimination and violence towards girls, adolescents and women. Although Panama’s Labor Code does not establish specific sanctions for labor discrimination, other laws and regulations can be applied in cases of discrimination. In general, efforts are being made to address gender inequality in the workplace.
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