

How to Cite
Murdock, S., Andrade, J., Valdés, S., & Sarco, A. (2023). Emotion management in parents of children with Autism. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 120–127. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1262
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The research addresses the significant relevance of emotion management in parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It examines how the appropriate management of emotions by parents can influence the emotional well-being and development of children with ASD. Highlighting how parents’ emotional reactions can impact their children’s communication and behavior, the research underscores the need for parents to acquire emotional regulation skills to provide a stable and supportive environment. Interviews were conducted with different families where it was found that the management of emotions in parents of children with autism is not addressed with due importance, so we must emphasize providing tools and greater focus for parents and their emotions before the diagnosis and throughout the child’s life.



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