The perinatal clinical history is a document for obstetric and neonatal control where the information of the patient and the evolution of the pregnancy are collected. Perinatal controls help detect risks during the development of pregnancy. The type of study was descriptive - comparative with a documentary review in its first phase, making a comparison of the regulations established on the international perinatal process with the national one, and in its second phase a survey was applied to verify said process, it is a qualitative design, descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective, with a non-experimental, transactional design. The population studied is about pregnant women, in the district of Chitré, province of Herrera, whose sample is 100 of them (20 for each corregimiento: Chitré, Llano Bonito, La Arena and San Juan Bautista). Type of intentional non-probabilistic sampling, the data collection instrument is the survey and for the data analysis it was in the Microsoft 2010 tool, Excel tool, descriptive data analysis. The objective of this article is to compare the rules of the International perinatal form with the National perinatal form and its processes, the International perinatal form and the National form will be evaluated, the steps for compliance with the rules will be identified and, in addition, the correct filling of the forms will be verified. the cards of the perinatal clinical history and thus find a better version in terms of what was experienced in the country. It resulted in similarities between the forms and among the pregnant women surveyed, 50% indicated that they had not received guidance, it was also evidenced that 10% did not have HIV tests, which are necessary for the well-being of both the mother and the fetus. and its subsequent birth, which shows that better strategies must be applied to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
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