Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been increasing in recent years in Panama, a study in 2009 revealed that 7% of school children had some form of ADHD, this being one of the highest rates in Latin America, this situation makes it necessary to talk about curricular adaptations since these children are of school age, so it is essential to have knowledge and good practice in schools and good guidance to parents, guardians or staff in charge of the education of students with this diagnosis. This study was developed under a qualitative approach with a case study design, using an interview with a teacher from CEB La Herradura in La Chorrera as an instrument for data collection. Among the findings, it can be mentioned that the curricular adaptations are very useful and benefit both the teacher and the students, resulting in the favorable interaction of the children and the improvement in their grades. In conclusion, it is observed that the implementation of curricular adaptations in children diagnosed with ADHD improves their performance.
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