

How to Cite
Ortiz, K., Concepción, Y., Quintero, W., & Castillo Medina, J. (2023). Factors influencing the quality of care for patients in Panama. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 68–76. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1258
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Medical care in Panama is divided into two large systems, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and the Social Security Fund (CSS). These institutions have uncoordinated services and taxes in urban centers along the Pacific Ocean, while in indigenous regions and rural areas with difficult access, there is hardly the scarce infrastructure and human resources provided by the Ministry of Health. Both are administratively divided into 14 health regions, with a parallel presence and organized by levels of complexity and offer the population health services in accordance with their problem-solving capacity. 90% of the population has access to health services from either of the two public institutions, regardless of whether or not they are affiliated with social security, since there are cross-subsidies between MINSA and the CSS (it is estimated that the CSS covers 84%).



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Digital, U. (2023). Deterioro en el sistema de la salud en Panama. Retrieved 4 March 2023, from https://upinforma.com/nuevo/info.php?cat=reportajes&id=192#:~:text=Desde'>https://upinforma.com/nuevo/info.php?cat=reportajes&id=192#:~:text=Desde%

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