

How to Cite
Rodríguez, N., Herrera, M. A., Quintero, C., & Sarco, A. (2023). Child and adolescent psychopathy. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 31–47. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1255
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Psychopathy has been a topic of interest since ancient times, hence the interest in addressing the subject with the objective of “Analyzing the visibility of the information that exists on child and adolescent psychopathy” in the last 5 years. The selection of articles was made through a documentary analysis, 33 articles were examined, from which 17 articles were selected that met the objective of the study. The results suggest that psychopathy addresses neurodevelopment, brain structures, neurobiological aspects, environment, neuroanatomy, heritability and genetics. The analysis was made under Adrian Raine’s theory where genetic and environmental factors are highlighted within the findings as elements that influence the manifestation of psychopathic traits and temperament associated with this disorder. The implications of specific brain areas in the manifestation of psychopathic traits and their interaction with emotions and cognition are also highlighted. It can be concluded that the information on child and adolescent psychopathy provides us with benefits on several levels, both in research and scientific knowledge that will allow us to look for mechanisms to treat it in clinical practice and society in general, since information is necessary to know how to act and/or deal with cases such as these.



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