

How to Cite
Miranda, E., Pérez, I., Moreno, M., & Sarco, A. (2023). Post-pandemic fine motor repercussions. Revista Semilla Científica, 1(4), 19–30. https://doi.org/10.37594/sc.v1i4.1254
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The purpose of this research was to present through a qualitative and descriptive analysis the situation of fine motor skills in the pediatric population after COVID-19. The consequences of fine motor skills in the post-pandemic period were explored, highlighting the negative effects of reduced physical activity, excessive use of electronic devices and increased stress on our fine motor skills and abilities. In this study, it is proposed to employ the theoretical approach of Piaget, a psychologist and biologist, which emphasizes manual actions executed by children, requiring hand-eye coordination. Additionally, children born during the pandemic are observed to score lower on both gross and fine motor skill assessments. Fine motor skills play a crucial role in the development of motor, cognitive and social skills in children, enabling them to improve their learning, communication and interpersonal skills. The consequences generated in fine motor skills due to the post-pandemic situation have allowed for a more complete understanding of how the impact of global health research has affected the progress of fine motor skills in society, particularly in children. Several interconnected factors have been found to contribute to changes in fine motor skills during this extraordinary period.



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