How to Cite
Mira , K. ., Sosa, A. ., Camaño , E. ., & Jaramillo Vargas, L. A. . (2022). Youth gangs, survival alternative for ages 14 to 16, Chorrillo township, Panama province. Revista Semilla Científica, (3), 399–426. Retrieved from
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This research provides the explanation of the problematic Criminal Youth Gangs, from a different perspective, seeking to know those factors that lead adolescents in the corregimiento of Chorrillo to belong to these gangs and why these young people are ideal to be recruited by the leaders of these gangs. It explains the law that protects and regulates the rights of children and adolescents, in order to express that these despite committing crimes are protected by the State paying minimum penalties, making them key members of these criminal gangs. Through the collection of data from the different infographic sources, it was possible to verify the hypothesis raised by the fact that those young adolescents are easy targets to recruit for criminal youth gangs, due to their condition of privacy of those rights and conditions necessary to live. And the fact of paying for their crimes with less severity. An important part of our data collection method was the survey of those people who have lived in the corregimiento of Chorrillo, those who know this problem and those who have experienced living in a community with criminal gangs. In conclusion, it is considered that these young people are vulnerable to the influences to commit crimes and are key pieces for a criminal gang, they seek to obtain those basic rights to live, which they often lack due to their economic situation, the lack of attention from their caregivers, being able to believe that crime and belonging to these gangs is the only way to survive. This problem of criminal gangs may always be seen from another perspective, but in order to solve a problem, the different triggers of it must be observed.



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