How to Cite
Mestra Tamayo, L. M. ., Asias Yánez, A. ., Sabi Rojas, J. G. ., Ávila Coronado, L. F. ., Jaramillo Hernández, H. A., Soriano Rojas, J. A. ., & Sierra, H. M. . (2022). Challenges in teaching practice in the face of technological development. Revista Semilla Científica, (3), 218–231. Retrieved from
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The teacher´s profile can be defined as the conjunction of that knowledge and those skills and abilities that and teacher´s should either possess or obtain to accomplish his/her job. The Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes in its resolution N°1 establishes that higher educational institutions through the educational teaching programs are responsible for  forming teachers with a complete visión of the whole, able to introduce changes in the education and prepared to understand and interpret the learning and teaching processes, etc. The objective is  training  individuals capable of integrating into the network environment with autonomous strategies. The aim is to develop a new view of what happens in the classroom, based on interactivity, personalization and the development of the ability to learn and the think autonomously. ICTS brings to the teacher´s profile a new field of skill development; just as the modern teacher in the knowledge era will be able to master an Excel template or the technology he considers useful for his teaching work. Knowing these resources in detail will be as vital to your task as the skill you developed with the chalk and blackboard. In conclusion, it’s established that the teacher´s profile is the beginning of a curriculum with emphasis on the affective, ethical and intellectual of the person, together with the control of professional work.



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