How to Cite
Veintemilla, J. ., Fernández, J. ., Loayza , . L. ., Vinicio Miles , M. ., Robalino , M. ., Cacoango , T. ., Orozco , E. ., & Sierra, H. M. (2022). Teacher digital competence: advances and future challenges. Revista Semilla Científica, (3), 205–217. Retrieved from
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The great progress and constant development of technologies, has caused globally that we live in a virtual context based on connections and the use of digital tools. The way of teaching and learning has changed with the implementation and use of technologies. Most of the information and knowledge is digitized on the network and teachers must be the ones who guide students in their learning process. Technology and digital tools alone do not guide the student; therefore, the work of teachers is today more important than ever, and for that reason it is essential that they are prepared and acquire digital skills and competencies. In this article we present the necessary concepts and the fundamental pillars of digital skills that a teacher must have to motivate the use of these new tools.



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