The purpose of this research was to analyze the manifestations of Burnout Syndrome in professionals working in the Department of Medical Records and Health Statistics of the Cecilio A. Castillero Hospital. Castillero, this syndrome commonly called “burnout syndrome” refers to work stress, a state of physical and mental exhaustion that is prolonged over time and comes to alter the personality and self-esteem of the worker, is known as a process in which the worker progressively suffers a loss of interest in their tasks and develops a negative psychological reaction to their work occupation and is increasingly common among health professionals, Consequently, this stress can have psychosomatic, behavioral, emotional, family and social repercussions, and can also be a reason for absenteeism and low performance at work. Under a quantitative research methodological approach, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional, we proceeded to select a random sample of 17 employees who voluntarily agreed to participate in the research, a survey was applied with 10 closed questions, of our own elaboration, to determine whether there are manifestations of Burnout Syndrome in the employees of the REGES Department of the Cecilio A. Castillero Hospital, in the city of San Pedro Sula, in the city of San Pedro Sula. Among the findings we found that 70% of the workers have been working in REGES for 5 to 14 years, 61% are disillusioned with their work, 71% feel that the tasks assigned are not the most appropriate, and 76% feel exhausted and have no desire to work, so it is recommended to carry out health promotion activities for REGES staff that include appropriate use of free time and techniques to support workers.
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Maslach, C. J. (1981). Manual de Psicologia. California. Obtenido de https://www. researchgate.net/profile/ChristinaMaslach/publication/277816643_The_Maslach_Burnout_Inventory_Manual/links/5574dbd708aeb6d8c01946d7/The-Maslach-BurnoutInventory-Manual.pdf
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Pérez:, A. M. (2010). EL SÍNDROME DE BURNOUT. Revista de Comunicación Vivat Academia. Obtenido de https://www.redalyc.org/pd