How to Cite
Díaz , A. ., Moreno, J. ., Pérez , M. ., Sáez , D. ., Soto , D. ., & Ulloa , A. . (2022). Respiratory diseases due to environmental contamination: Jobero community. Revista Semilla Científica, (3), 54–73. Retrieved from
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This research was part of the training activities to promote the investigative thinking of UMECIT, Sede Chitré students. The objective was to evaluate respiratory diseases caused by environmental pollution in the Jobero community, since environmental pollution is the product of human beings and their lack of knowledge about the causes and consequences; damage to people’s health, damage to ecosystems and the extinction of fauna and flora and therefore damage to the world in which we live. This research was carried out under a quantitative approach, the survey technique was used in a virtual way, with a probabilistic and intentional study sample due to the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic; A sample of 30 people was chosen, of which 17 were female and 13 male. Among the main results it was found that the main pollutants in the community are the use of pesticides, pesticides and pasture burns, also the use of wood stoves, causing respiratory diseases such as: sinusitis, respiratory and skin allergies, and asthma bronchial. It was concluded that air pollution is the main cause of respiratory diseases, among the most common affectations, sinusitis with 50%, respiratory allergies with 28.3%, bronchial asthma with 11.7% and allergies in the skin with 8.3%. It is proposed to avoid direct contact with chemicals using masks, gloves, protective gowns, and not to spray near inhabited houses.



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