How to Cite
Castro, N. ., Jiménez , D. ., Vergara , B. ., & Sarco, A. (2022). Incidence of sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents from dysfunctional homes. Revista Semilla Científica, (3), 16–30. Retrieved from
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The current social problem has been seen in which the lack of sex education in homes has caused an increase in cases of venereal diseases in adolescents. This study sought to describe the relationship between sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents who come from dysfunctional families and suffer from these diseases. The methodology used was qualitative and the ethnographic design was based on the realist premise. We showed how the family creates emotional and psychological bonds, which can become a vital element in the lives of adolescents, and can have both positive and negative effects on their social relationships. We detail how dysfunctional families lack certain healthy elements of coexistence, creating a disruptive environment, full of emotional deficiencies, causing children to show constant rebellion or even rejection towards their parents or guardians when they reach adolescence, as well as the probability of exhibiting high-risk sexual behaviors



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