How to Cite
Collado, J., Salmon, M., Vega, J., Mera, A., Kirton, C., & Gutiérrez Quintero, M. E. . (2021). The rule of law. Revista Semilla Científica, (2), 459–473. Retrieved from
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The rule of law is the state subject to law, that is, the state whose power and activity are regulated and controlled by law. However, the Rule of Law is the result of an economic in doctrine, that is, liberalism and represents the triumph of the Bourgeoisie over absolutism; it is considered an irreversible historical conquest. The norms related to the fundamental organization of the State are called the constitution, which is composed of the legal rules that determine the supreme organs of the State, their mode of creation, their reciprocal relations, their competence and their position of each in relation to the power of the state.



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