How to Cite
Maffla, S., Montenegro, R., Polo , Y., Mejía, E., & Gutiérrez Quintero, M. E. . (2021). Effectiveness of Habeas Corpus in practice Panamanian constitutional. Revista Semilla Científica, (2), 409–420. Retrieved from
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The purpose of this research work focused on the most relevant aspects of Habeas Corpus, mentioned in the Constitution of the Republic of Panama. Several consultations were made in web pages and virtual libraries, for the formation of the content of this one. In this sense, it was desired to delve into the study of the justice system that exists in our country and especially the implementation of the laws regarding this action.
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Constitución Política de la República de Panamá de 1972 reformada por los actos reformatorios de 1978, por el acto constitucional de 1983 y los actos legislativos 1 de 1993 y 2 de 1994 (3ra ed.). (2001). Librería y Editora Interamericana, S.A.
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