How to Cite
Salcedo, J. ., Valdés, E. ., Castellanos, J. ., & Sarco, A. (2021). Analysis of higher education in Panama. Revista Semilla Científica, (2), 310–319. Retrieved from
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Education has played a very important role in the origin of humanity, promoting global economic, social, and political progress, among others, however, with this, it increased employment rates and productivity, needing people with a high level of knowledge and knowledge. trained to respond to these new needs. We know that education in its beginnings was a privilege that not everyone enjoyed, great struggles and evolutions have allowed higher education to emerge with a new philosophy, bringing with it benefits not only economically but also in the social and personal sphere of each individual. This documentary review seeks to analyze higher education in Panama, introducing us to its historical evolutionary process, highlighting its quality and the entire process that had to go through so that today it is considered one of the best in Latin America. As a conclusion of this analysis, it can be mentioned that higher education must guarantee the well-being of the student by ensuring quality in their training process, therefore it is necessary to promote the importance of this and its direct impact on society.



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