How to Cite
Escudero, K., Gracia, V., Marín, Y., Montenegro, E., Tobar, . C., Villarreal, R., & Gutiérrez Quintero, M. E. (2021). Conditioned factors that lead to school dropout in the province of Los Santos in times of pandemic. Revista Semilla Científica, (2), 293–309. Retrieved from
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The purpose of this research is to make known the factors that lead to school dropout at the levels of education that comprise the general basic, pre-secondary and secondary levels of public educational centers in the province of Los Santos, focused on the time of the current pandemic as a result of COVID-19, and from which It was possible to delve into each of them and how they have been decisive at the time of measuring school dropout in the province, and this also shows the great limitations to wich the main actors in the teaching- learning process face as a result of this pandemic that has changed the course the human race.
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