How to Cite
Guerra , I., Dawson, J., González, M., & Gutiérrez Quintero, M. E. . (2021). Public management model: An approach to the Swiss political system. Revista Semilla Científica, (2), 247–264. Retrieved from
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The purpose of this research focused on learning relevant aspects of the Swiss Political System as a public management model. It was researched on different web pages and virtual libraries, to expand the content of this research. In this sense, the configuration in a State with a Federal System that will be built with the constant political participation of long tradition, together with a system of direct democracy based on the active and direct political participation of its citizens in the political process through popular voting, is remarkable. These peculiarities also make the description, explanation and analysis of the Swiss political system also a study to deepen federalism, participatory democracy and a Plurinational State based on political consensus and collaboration between diverse political-cultural entities.



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