This work was carried out under the vision of the new challenges that teachers are presenting at the higher level, so it was investigated through several books that talk about the new trends in educational systems and somehow point out the main future consequences that the new scenario of education will have. Although we do not know what may happen in five years’ time in higher education. It is inevitable to notice the changes that are currently taking place and although in previous years it was difficult for some teachers to adapt to technological trends, due to the new global crisis, it has served as an influence, so that the system in a certain way leads teachers who have been in the system for a long time, to learn from the new foundations of education.
Bozu, Z. y Canto, P. J. (2009). El profesorado universitario en la sociedad del conocimiento: Competencias profesionales docentes. Revista De Formación e Innovación Educativa Universitaria, 2 (2), 87-97. Disponible en: http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/ articulo?codigo=3110877 [Consulta: 13 de Abril 2012].
Arboleda, Ó. H. (s.f.). revistas. Obtenido de revistas.ceipa.edu.com: https://revistas.ceipa.edu.co/index.php/lupa/article/view/401/463#:~:text=El%20rol%20del%20docente%20necesariamente%20cambia%20ante%20esta,los%20nuevos%20 procesos%20formativos%20apoyados%20en%20las%20tics.
Martinez, C. (16 de abril de 2020). lifeder. Obtenido de lifeder.com: https://www.lifeder. com/rol-del-docente/
Rizo Rodríguez, M. (2020, 10 agosto). Rol del Docente y Estudiante en la Educación Virtual. Revista Multi-Ensayo. https://www.lamjol.info/index.php/multiensayos/article/ download/10117/11796?inline=1
UDINAMO (2020, 10 noviembre). El rol del docente en la Era Digital. Blog Dínamo. http:// www.udinamo.edu.mx/blog/www-udinamo-edu-mx-blog-mentoresuda/el-rol-del-docenteen-la-era-digital-2/