In the world, thousands of people have consumed millions of liters of water and milk in Tetra Pack containers, which has been a very important development for humanity, as it helps to protect the nutritional value such as the taste of the product that they contain. in this research, the most important elements of the Tetra Pack packaging were highlighted in order to give the reader a better understanding of the subject. The research was done through the university´s virtual library book and on web pages. It has been shown that this type of material has been of great industry and it is important to know its correct disposal so as not to generate a negative impact on nature.
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Microsoft News . (s.f.). Obtenido de https://new.microsoft.com/es-xl/empaque-total-latecnologia-tetra-pak-mantiene-seguro-flujo-los-alimentos-bebidas-desde-la-granja-la.mesa/
Systems, N. (s.f.). NOEGA Systems . Obtenido de https://noegasystems.com/blog/logistica/ envases-y-embalajes-para-la-proteccion-fisica-de-la-mercancia
tierra, V. e. (s.f.). Obtenido de https:// viviendoenlatierra.com/2010/05/12/envasestetrabrickde-que-estan-hechos-y-como-se-reciclan/
verdes, F. M. (s.f.). Usa la Basura . Obtenido de https://usalabasura.org/residuos/tetrapack/ item/203-tetrapack/
Vidal, M. (s.f.). youtube . Obtenido de https://youtu.be/jpRX-emmapl
Wikipedia . (s.f.). Wikipedia . Obtenido de es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetra+ç