How to Cite
Camargo, A., Contreras, G., Espinosa, E., Montero, A., Valero, W., & Sarco, A. . (2021). Analysis of the emotional and psychological well-being of the students of the degree in General Psychology of the UMECIT campus La Chorrera. Revista Semilla Científica, (2), 16–30. Retrieved from
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This research was based on analyzing the emotional and psychological well-being of the students of the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences and Technology (UMECIT), thisis fundamental because on many occasions mental health professionals are overloaded and worn out, this being a reason problems on a personal level, which prevents the proper development of their duties. The type of study used was quantitative with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The Ryff Psychological Wellbeing Scale (1989) adapted to Spanish by Van Dierendonck (2006) was administered to a non-probabilistic sample of 20 regular students from different years of the General Psychology career at La Chorrera campus. These Results can be used as inputs for the design of interventions to strengthen the dimensions of deficient psychological well-being in students, as well as it could be used to optimize the availability of personal resources and improve the academic trajectory of students.



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