How to Cite
Díaz, J., Muñoz, V., Vásquez, D., Villegas, A., & Sarco, A. (2021). The emotions generated in the elderly of the population of La Chorrera due to the confinement against COVID-19. Revista Semilla Científica, (2), 31–45. Retrieved from
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Emotions are part of our life, they are generated in a negative or positive way (depending on the event or situation that causes it) and they are in charge, sometimes, of activating our defense mechanism. 2020 has been a year that has generated many emotions among the inhabitants, due to the confinement due to COVID-19; Although it is a situation that has affected everyone, there is a vulnerable population in the face of this problem: adults, for this reason this work was proposed that aimed to show which were the most notable emotions in adults due to the confinement in which they are find. For this work, 25 women and 17 men between the ages of 30 and 60 participated, they belong to the townships of Puerto Caimito, Barrio Colón, Barrio Balboa and Guadalupe in the province of Panamá Oeste. The work has a quantitative approach and a non-experimental design was implemented, an electronic survey was applied in order to identify the most notorious emotions. The results show that emotions such as anxiety and fear are generated during confinement, these could affect the physical and mental health of people.



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