How to Cite
Pérez, A., Rámoz, A., Márquez, C., Díaz, D., Cano, K., & Sarco, A. (2020). Application of technology in higher education classrooms from the constructivist approach. Revista Semilla Científica, (1), 357–364. Retrieved from
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In the following work, we examined how education together with the technology of this time elaborate a different, creative way of teaching and it is called constructivism that leaves aside the traditional form of study. The result of this research was the advantages and disadvantages that it faces the most and a small explanation of why these advantages and disadvantages occur. Our conclusions were that technology helps us in our daily lives, higher education has made it important for us students, they help a better understanding of the subjects, flexibility for people who do not have free time to study and these Applications help us to carry out the subjects and they are there when we have time.



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