How to Cite
Barría, L., Hernández , R., Abrego, X., & Sarco, A. (2020). Pedagogical proposal of the constructivist theory to work with children with ADHD. Revista Semilla Científica, (1), 349–356. Retrieved from
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The interest in examining the aforementioned subject is based on the expansive nature that various symptoms in childhood have acquired at present and that represent new inscriptions of the child’s discomfort, modalities of suffering linked to a wide range of symptoms ranging from noisy manifestations, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorders up to the most severe inhibitions. Within these presentations, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has become relevant and has called for increasing interest in different theoretical orientations. Scientists study the causes and risk factors to try to find better ways to manage and reduce a person’s chances of ADHD. In this sense, the high comorbidity indicated for ADHD by international classification systems, makes a rigorous clinical knowledge that allows establishing an adequate diagnosis a priority, likewise, the high prevalence of the condition in school-age children reported by different authors, added to the notorious heterogeneity of many of these measurements call the clinical psychologist to adopt a critical attitude towards the different conceptual instruments available to sift these presentations. Children with ADHD may have problems paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors or being excessively active. Children with ADHD will not leave behind the behavior, since it is controlled under medication. The intensity of hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inattention will determine the child’s behavior in the classroom and his relationship with his teachers and peers.



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