This article reflects the perception results that residents of the Corregimiento de Monagrillo have about the collection and management of urban solid waste at home and its impact on the elimination of possible sources of infection. The objective is to describe the management of these urban solid wastes to mitigate the environmental impact. The methodology used to write the article is non-experimental, transactional, with a descriptive study, with a causal hypothesis; the universe is the population of the Corregimiento de Monagrillo, and the sample is five urbanizations, chosen at random; the type of sampling is simple random; and the subjects are the people surveyed. Data analyzes are presented in percentage charts. The results of this research study showed that residents consider that the most recycled MSW are: plastic 40%, paper 28%, cardboard 20%, glass 10% and metal 2%; In addition, citizens consider the defense of the environment important to improve, restore and preserve spaces that are clean of environmental contamination. We will use the SWOT analysis technique to carry out strategic planning and thus obtain a real vision of the situation (preparing it for growth, amid current and future challenges), of the RSU collection service, which is offered by the Municipality from Chitré. There will be a reengineering of the RSU collection routes in the Corregimiento de Monagrillo, in order to minimize the time and reduce the collection and handling costs of these.
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